Breakup Blog

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Mixed Signals And Desire for Reconciliation After A Breakup

If you have been through a breakup, you know that it can be a painful and lengthy process. Thanks to the study I conducted in 2018, you can now gain insights into what's preventing you from getting over your breakup.

The problem when someone cannot get over someone is normally related to your levels of desire and hope about reconciling with your ex.

Expectation of reconciliation after a breakup is normally fuelled by behaviours which attempt to maintain closeness with the former partner. For example, you may be checking his or her social media activity, trying to be a good friend by offering the best of you to that person, etc.

When this is done, it’s normal for the other person to respond in a positive manner e.g., by complimenting you, appreciating your effects, being warm towards you, etc.

In turn, you may interpret those positive signals as evidence he or she is interested in resuming the relationship with you, when in fact, those signals mean nothing.

Mixed signals are quite confusing for the person who wants to reconcile. However, most people would not ask what those signals mean for fear of receiving a painful or embarrassing answer from the other person.

Not clarifying mixed signals perpetuates your desire in that person and makes you on that emotional roller coaster you can't seem to stop.

If you want to get over someone you have liked or loved for a long time, make sure you don’t go the extra mile by trying to please him/her, following his/her life, maintaining contact, or raising your hopes.

The less contact you have with your ex, the better. If contact is necessary, then you should always attempt to clarify any mixed signals he or she gives you to understand the real meaning behind his or her behaviours.

Quiz: What's The Best Method To Get Over A Breakup?

I'm Dr Sylvia Buet and I've designed this 90-second Quiz to help you find the most effective solution to get over your breakup. Receive a 17-page custom report pointing out what's blocking your recovery.